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Progressive Assessment of Ischemic Injury to White Matter Using Diffusion Tensor Imaging: A Preliminary Study of a Macaque Model of Stroke
Previous Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) studies have demonstrated the temporal evolution of stroke injury in grey matter and white matter can be characterized by DTI indices. However, it still remains not fully understood how the DTI indices of white matter are altered progressively during the hyperacute (first 6 hours) and acute stage of stroke (≤ 1 week). In the present study, DTI was employed to characterize the temporal evolution of infarction and white matter injury after stroke insult using a macaque model with permanent ischemic occlusion.
Methods and materials:
Permanent middle cerebral artery (MCA) occlusion was induced in rhesus monkeys (n=4, 10-21 years old). The brain lesion was examined longitudinally with DTI during the hyperacute phase (2-6 hours, n=4), 48 hours (n=4) and 96 hours (n=3) post-occlusion.
Cortical infarction was seen in all animals. The Mean Diffusivity (MD) in lesion regions decreased substantially at the first time point (2 hours post stroke) (35%, p <0.05, compared to the contralateral side) and became pseudo-normalized at 96 hours. In contrast, evident FA reduction was seen at 48 hours (39%, p <0.10) post-stroke. MD reduction in white matter bundles of the lesion area was much less than that in the grey matter during the hyper-acute phase but significant change was observed 4 hours (4.2%, p < 0.05) post stroke . Also, MD pseudonormalisation was seen at 96 hours post stroke. There was a significant correlation between the temporal changes of MD in white matter bundles and those in whole lesion areas during the entire study period. Meanwhile, no obvious fractional anisotropy (FA) changes were seen during the hyper-acute phase in either the entire infarct region or white matter bundles. Significant FA alteration was observed in entire lesion areas and injured white matter bundles 48 and 96 hours post stroke. The stroke lesion in grey matter and white matter was validated by pathological findings.
The temporal evolution of ischemic injury to the grey matter and white matter from 2 to 96 hours after stroke onset was characterized using a macaque model and DTI. Progressive MD changes in white matter bundles are seen from hyperacute phase to acute phase after permanent MCA occlusion and temporally correlated with the MD changes in entire infarction regions. MD reduction in white matter bundles is mild in comparison with that in the grey matter but significant and progressive, indicating it may be useful to detect early white matter degeneration after stroke.