Correlation of MRI Findings with ODI and VAS Score in Patients with Lower Back Pain

Suada Hasanović Vučković1, Sandra Vegar-Zubović1, Lejla Milišić1, Spomenka Kristić1, Adnan Beganović1, Lejla Dervišević2, *, Zurifa Ajanović2, Ilvana Hasanbegović2, Aida Sarač Hadžihalilović2
1 Department for Radiology, Clinical University Centre of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
2 Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

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* Address correspondence to this author at the Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina; E-mail:



In clinical practice, there is a very common discrepancy between the clinical findings of patients with lumboischialgia and the radiological findings.


This research aimed to determine the degree of correlation between the ODI index and the VAS scale with degenerative changes in the lumbar spine found using MRI.


The study included 100 patients, who were referred for an MRI of the lumbar spine and who had a clear clinical picture of lumboischialgia. Patients underwent MRI. Degenerative changes in the lumbar spine and discs were analysed. Patients were asked to answer the questions in the questionnaire about the subjective feeling of pain and functional status, and ODI and VAS scores were calculated.


There has been a statistically significant correlation found between the answers to the survey questions and the VAS score (p < 0.001). There was a significant correlation obtained between the level of degeneration and the disability index (p = 0.022), while the correlation with the VAS score has not been found to be significant (p = 0.325).


This study has demonstrated a significant correlation between the VAS pain score and the ODI, as well as a significant correlation between the level of degeneration on MRI scans and the disability index; however, the correlation of MRI scan results with VAS score has not been found to be significant.

Keywords: MRI, VAS score, ODI score, Lower back, Pain, Disability.